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Showing posts from November, 2022

Differences between drug use and drug abuse

It is useful to examine the differences between the two terms of rug use and drug abuse, to gain a definite idea regarding drug use and drug abuse. Drug use is prescribed by doctors while drug abuse is not prescribes by anyone. Tolerance, dependence and addiction may be seen with drug abuse, but not with drug use. Causes of drug use are within the body, while causes of drug abuse are more often outside the body. Drug use is not a waste and drug abuse is a waste. The effect of drug abuse is negative while the effect of drug use is positive. There is no punishment for drug use, but there are punishments to drug abuse. Drug use is legally and socially accepted while drug abuse is not. Price of the drugs which are used is steady while the price of drugs which are abused is often fluctuant. Drug abuse is life threatening while drug use is not. Accordingly, although it seems like overlapping, it is clear that drug use and drug abuse are totally different.  Related Topics: What is it meant by

Similarities between drug use and drug abuse

Although they are seen as similar at the first glance, the similarities between these two terms are very less.   Drug use and drug abuse both are related to both pharmaceutical and illegal drugs. History of both drug use and drug abuse began unintentionally. Withdrawal symptoms can be seen in both drug use and abuse.   Drugs which are used or abused can be natural, semi synthetic or synthetic.   Similar in taken methods.   Drugs are used and abused to relief psychological matters. Both have rules and regulations.   Related Topics: What is it meant by “Drugs”? What is “Drug Use” and “Drug Abuse”? Differences between drug use and drug abuse

What is “Drug Use” and “Drug Abuse”?

Although both of these terms are seemed as similar, they are two different or overlying but separate concepts. Unfortunately, society misunderstands these concepts as the way they misunderstand the term ‘drug’.  Therefore, it is very useful to examine what are the similarities and differences in drug use and drug abuse, and thereby understand what these two terms really are.  Term ‘use’ is often goes with good purposes while ‘abuse’, because of its suffix ‘ab’, is often goes with bad purposes or misuse. Accordingly, it can come to a conclusion that drug use means having drugs for good purposes, that means taking drugs for medical purposes, while drug abuse refers to having drugs for bad purposes, that means other than medical purposes. Related Topics: What is it meant by “Drugs”? Similarities between drug use and drug abuse Differences between drug use and drug abuse

What is it meant by “Drugs”?

It is needless to say that the term ‘drug’ is a conversational topic in current society. It is because of the unavoidable disaster happening to the society due to illicit drugs.  Geetanjali Nagpal ,  Amy Winehouse ,  Whitney Houston ,  Matthew Perry  like celebrities can be taken as instance to prove this. Simply, drug is any substance that, when inhaled, injected, smoked, consumed, absorbed via a patch on the skin, or dissolved under the tongue causes a physiological and often psychological change in the body. Unfortunately, there is a common misinterpretation among society that drugs mean only illegal substances that intoxicate people. In order to solve this issue, it is useful to clarify what really drugs are. According to the WHO, “A drug is any substance or product that is used or intended to be used to modify or explore physiological systems or pathological states for the benefit of the patient” . This definition mentions three characteristics of drugs; Drug is a substance or